Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0 Check this file after updating to 12.1.0 to be sure it is version 2.2.0.You can skip to step 9) Update to 12.1.0. Restart ( be sure you use the same log in with Shift key down between each update).Reinstall Office 2008 from your original installation disk.Drag the Microsoft Office 2008 folder to the Trash.Any open application could be corrupted by the process. It's important all Microsoft applications are quit, but quitting all applications will result in the best results. This will disable all startup items including the hidden ones. When you log in, hold down the Shift key. Quit all Microsoft applications (Easy way: log out.Once MAU is launched, select 'Keep in Dock'

Launch the Microsoft Autoupdater (MAU).To launch MAU, you can open any Office application and select 'Check for Updates' under Help in the Menu bar.

Support our SiteOffice365 Home Premium 1YR Subscription Steps to re-install Office 2008įollow these steps to reinstall: (useful when you are having problems updating)