Over 2 million titles, including New York Times Bestsellers! View on desktop or use the mobile app, Overdrive - eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines Loan periods vary and there are no late fees. EBooks eliminate lugging heavy books and they feature adjustable text size, bookmarking, higlighling and searching features. EBooks can be downloaded to your eReader, tablet, smartphone and computer. Magazines and newspapersįree access to current UK magazines and newspapers from around the world through the library's OverDrive and PressReader services.Find all your favorites, including best sellers, fiction and non-fiction, available for every age. They will be automatically returned after 21 days. These titles will show in ‘My loans’ along with any physical materials you borrow. You can now borrow both Overdrive and BorrowBox titles directly from the library catalogue. View our collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks on our catalogue. There is material for both children and adults. Odilo has a free app for Ukrainians who use either Android or Apple.Īs well as English titles, there are 1,700 Ukrainian titles and 500 in English. If you are having problems read the Borrowbox help page or contact A BorrowBox account may take up to two days to be activated. You can download the BorrowBox app for Android or Apple on your tablet or phone. View our collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks on BorrowBox.If you are having problems go to the OverDrive help page. You can download the Libby app from OverDrive for Android or Apple on your tablet or phone. View our collection of eBooks, eAudiobooks and magazines on OverDrive.If your account lapses, you’ll have to re-join the library. To keep your account active you need to borrow an item from a library at least once a year. Only library members with active accounts can access this service. There are no late fines and with a great choice of titles there's something for everyone. Borrow up to ten titles from both OverDrive and BorrowBox for up to three weeks. A great choice of fiction and non-fiction titles for adults and children, all of which can be borrowed for free with your library card.